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Guest FourAces


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Guest FourAces

I've lived in a very large handful of cities and never been in a place like Dallas where the weather is so extreme. One day it can be 90 and sunny the very next 70 and thunderstorms.

But my favorite is a day like today ... where we began the day at 66 degrees and sunny and by late afternoon it is 46 and windy with a few showers :o We are weather in reverse :P

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I don't mind the heat as long as it isn't humid...it's my kryptonite.

I love weather...actually I love changes of weather especially in extremes. I live in northeast Ohio so we sometimes get all four seasons in one day. As is the case in many places (see http://ralphriver.blogspot.com/2006/03/if-you-dont-like-weather.html), we are fond of saying "If you don't like the weather in Cleveland, just wait 20 minutes...it will change"

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