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Guest FourAces

I'm Still Fascinated By The Secret Service

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Guest FourAces

Ever since I was a little kid I have been fascinated by the secret service. I can watch them in ho hum action over and over again.I have noticed that several of them are looking kind of pudgy lately. Check out this brief clip of them walking to and from church with President Obama and family. http://news.yahoo.com/obama-hears-easter-political-theme-035820270--politics.html

Just curious anybody here read any good books about the Secret Service?

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Guest hitoallusa

I haven't any books on it but I remember a 1993 movie, In the Line of Fire.. Clint Eastwood was great in it playing a secret agent..

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While I thought the movie was ludicrous, "Olympus Has Fallen" is about a secret service agent who as a one man army saves the White House after an intrusion by a terrorist.

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I share your fascination with the Secret Service. I haven't read any books on them but would be interested. I recall a book by Clint Hill who was an agent assigned to Mrs. Kennedy and I think the book was called "Mrs. Kennedy and me" if I remember correctly. I heard it was a pretty good read. A more recent book I've heard about was "In the President's Secret Service".

I know you are probably looking for first hand experience so sorry I can't add anything else other than those two that piqued my interest when I heard about them.

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