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Guest zipperzone

Bieber's Bum

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Guest zipperzone

I can't post the pics here as I think they are copyrighted. But to see them, do the following...

Go to the Mar 8th issue of Gawker. The lead article is about JB.

Click on the first link in the story

(its in red and says "His brief clad bottom hanging all the way out of his saggy leather sweatpants")

This will take you to the Mar 9th issue of the U.K. Daily Mail. Scroll down to see the best ass picture of JB to date. It leaves nothing to the imagination!

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Guest zipperzone

Please make him go away.

I kind of feel the same way - can't stand the brat.

But as long as the press get such good pictures, I'll probably hang around.

Some of these were so clear they seemed posed. You think?

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Most pics I see of him lately show him kind of slumped shouldered. Maybe that is the cool way to look these days but it looks so uncool to me. Someone needs to tell him to stand up straight :-) Other than that he is a real cutie.

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Guest rimchair

No straight guy goes around showing his ass, even avec underwear. He is a hybrid: twerp / queen / punk. Methinks he is gonna have a melt down, if he isn't already having one.

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No straight guy goes around showing his ass, even avec underwear. He is a hybrid: twerp / queen / punk. Methinks he is gonna have a melt down, if he isn't already having one.

My thoughts too, given the recent incidents in England.

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Guest zipperzone

No straight guy goes around showing his ass, even avec underwear.

I'm inclined to agree..... but then again I thought that about Marky Mark & was wrong.

Maybe its just smart packaging to a perceived audience.

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