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Guest FourAces


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Guest FourAces

A few days ago Yahoo quietly rolled out their newly designed main page. This is the first major public facing change from former Google employee now Yahoo CEO. Just wondering what you guys think of the updated look?

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Guest FourAces

I like the cleaner look but tend to agree nothing really screams stick around to me. One odd thing aside from Charlies little adventure noted above :P ... the news in the center scroll has no logic to its placement we go from the Pope to Justin saying he had the worst birthday of his life :o

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I think it sucks. I feel like I've been given a coloring book rather than a page full of information content. With so much colored wasted space you have to go on safari to fine the individual news items. And rather than being all crammed together so you can quickly scan where your interest lies, you now have to move around and jump over colored blocks to find a sliver of information here and a sliver there. Did I mention that it sucks?

They also hid the logout command and other useful widgets and buttons. I think these guys ideas of fun is a fucking scavenger hunt. Did I mention that the new page sucks? :pinch:

If these clowns redesigned the Oxford Dictoinary it wouldn't fit in the NASA Vehicle Assembly Building at Cape Kennedy. You recall, the one that housed the Saturn 5 moon rocket!

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It is just ok for me, probably not much difference from what I've been accustomed to from Yahoo. I haven't really checked out any other home pages so any advice or suggestions on which one's people prefer?

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If these clowns redesigned the Oxford Dictoinary it wouldn't fit in the NASA Vehicle Assembly Building at Cape Kennedy. You recall, the one that housed the Saturn 5 moon rocket!


(I like the original, rather more priapic name you will have known: the Vertical Assembly Building. ^_^ )

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You know, we are such smart asses. Easy enough to criticize, but can anyone here think of anything they SHOULD or COULD do to save Yahoo?

I can't. Maybe desperately seek ways to monetize the bits that arguably still have some value, like Flickr; but even there, new upstarts may already have passed them by. Does Yahoo still have any assets of any kind that can be leveraged to save it?

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I think it sucks. I feel like I've been given a coloring book rather than a page full of information content. With so much colored wasted space you have to go on safari to fine the individual news items. And rather than being all crammed together so you can quickly scan where your interest lies, you now have to move around and jump over colored blocks to find a sliver of information here and a sliver there. Did I mention that it sucks?

They also hid the logout command and other useful widgets and buttons. I think these guys ideas of fun is a fucking scavenger hunt. Did I mention that the new page sucks? :pinch:

If these clowns redesigned the Oxford Dictoinary it wouldn't fit in the NASA Vehicle Assembly Building at Cape Kennedy. You recall, the one that housed the Saturn 5 moon rocket!

I just checked it again as a matter getting to my email acct. Either they are tightening up the page or I may have overreacted to the blue. There is a shit load of it still, but it seems the news articles headlines aren't hiding so deeply in the blue bushes I as thought.

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The new Yahoo! woman who came over from Google is a total fucking disaster. The trade magazines have been all over her for a couple weeks now. Word is the staff is actively sabatoging her projects at this point over working conditions issues. (They have contracts that specifically say they can work from home, she's told them she'll fire them if she does, and they are coming into the office but dropping bad code/bad designs into things.

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Guest FourAces

It is just ok for me, probably not much difference from what I've been accustomed to from Yahoo. I haven't really checked out any other home pages so any advice or suggestions on which one's people prefer?

Nothing major ... I have been using Google as my start page but no idea why. I rarely go online to begin a search lol. Actually the one page that I am starting to like is msn.com ... combined with the new outlook email address it seems to be a bit under-rated by some as a nice starting point. I am tempted to abandon my decade old yahoo email address for the msn / outlook.com combo ^_^

I have tried my local news stations but their sites are just lame boring and empty of any real news or entertainment.

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The thing is that it's bullshit because it unfairly targets work from home moms and the disabled who can't get into the office. I'd protest too.

I buy Mayer's position that Yahoo is in a dead spin and needs all hands together in person to have any least chance of reinventing itself as an entity with a future. Remote working is well and good when the thing is humming along but Yahoo clearly ain't. Without draconian measures, there eventually won't be any office to get into, whether by telepresence or otherwise.
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Guest CharliePS

Nothing major ... I have been using Google as my start page but no idea why. I rarely go online to begin a search lol. Actually the one page that I am starting to like is msn.com ... combined with the new outlook email address it seems to be a bit under-rated by some as a nice starting point. I am tempted to abandon my decade old yahoo email address for the msn / outlook.com combo :smile:

I have tried my local news stations but their sites are just lame boring and empty of any real news or entertainment.

I use google as my start page because it loads faster than any other on my tired old computer, since it is not cluttered with all that news, photos, etc.

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I buy Mayer's position that Yahoo is in a dead spin and needs all hands together in person to have any least chance of reinventing itself as an entity with a future. Remote working is well and good when the thing is humming along but Yahoo clearly ain't. Without draconian measures, there eventually won't be any office to get into, whether by telepresence or otherwise.

Excellent point!

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A bit more on the get-your-ass-into-the-office flap...

...Recently Ms. Mayer made a highly controversial move. She banned working from home for Yahoo's employees. However, contrary to what most people seem to believe, this was not done on a whim.

After checking VPN records Mayer confirmed what was a widely held secret inside Yahoo!. Most remote working employees were abusing their privilege and were systematically slacking off. As Business Insider reports:

[...] we've just heard from a former Yahoo engineer who tells us Mayer is making the exact right call.

"For what it's worth, I support the no working from home rule. There's a ton of abuse of that at Yahoo. Something specific to the company."

This source said Yahoo's large remote workforce led to "people slacking off like crazy, not being available, spending a lot of time on non-Yahoo! projects"

"It was a great way to get Yahoo! to pay you while you put in minimal work and do your side startup"

And the best part of it was that according to another BI source this was well known to previous CEOs but they didn't have the courage to stop it. Specifically the source said:

She's turned out to have a lot of courage. She's dealing with problems no one wanted to deal with before...

Whole article here: http://seekingalpha.com/article/1297291-marissa-mayer-is-the-best-thing-that-happened-to-yahoo-in-a-long-time?source=email_tech_daily&ifp=0

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I just checked it again as a matter getting to my email acct. Either they are tightening up the page or I may have overreacted to the blue. There is a shit load of it still, but it seems the news articles headlines aren't hiding so deeply in the blue bushes I as thought.

Naw, it still sucks big time!! I hate it. Compared with Yahoo.ca (old style), .ca wins hands down for concentration of information. I don't mind color but I hate the coloring book motif. A third of a page is wasted space unless you jack off to Blue. :P

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