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Leonardo DiCaprio shilling for Jim Beam

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Leonardo DiCaprio is shilling for Jim Beam during his break from making movies. Hey, a guy's got to earn a paycheck to keep partying at the beach! This will not air in the US though.

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So this leads me to the following question to the esteemed members here: do any of you make, or have any of you made in the past, buying decisions based on some part because of a celebrity or sports figure promoting a product in an ad or commercial? Now I admit I am not a marketing guy so it escapes me why this is so prevelant. It must work I guess as it has been going on forever.

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Guest hitoallusa

If I see cute guys on an ad... I just find them cute... I don't necessary buy the product... But positive impression or familiarity, unconsciously, gets embedded in me so that I might buy other products I need from the maker...

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Guest hitoallusa

Aww you are so romantic... I can't believe you don't like to cuddle.. You seem very very romantic... ^_^

Yes, I bought every boyfriend I had Calvin Klein Underwear based on

Marky Mark. :smile:

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