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Remember Leonard Whiting?

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Guest hitoallusa

Oh my Romeo.. I thought all the sweet lovers were like him.. Die with me when I die.... ^_^ Lol something black and white movies... Actors look flawless..

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Have you never even seen the thing? Go rent it!

A fairly bad schmaltzing-up of the Bard's already fairly schmaltzy thing, but gorgeous to look at and listen to. Zeffirelli was superficial but with a sense of surface, light, sound to die for.

I suppose you have not seen "Death in Venice" either. If not, go rent that one too. Post-haste! ^_^


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Guest NCBored

I remember seeing this when it first came out - I was 18 and it was a revelation to see actual young people in the roles. It brought the play alive for me in a way that readings and 'mature' performers never had.

It was indeed in color and the butt-shot was fairly brief (but still impactful ^_^ )

I'm somewhat appalled to see that Whiting and I were born on the same day. I prefer to remember him as he was then.

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