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Pattaya to Get New Road

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The following appears in the PATTAYA CITY NEWS:



Plans for a Major New Road in Pattaya Discussed in City Hall Meeting


In conference room 404 at Pattaya City Hall, the Pattaya City Council held their monthly meeting chaired by the Council Chairman, Khun Tawich. As usual at this monthly meeting many items were discussed.


We are highlighting one of the more important topics of discussion which centers on budget approval talks on a new road which will run adjacent to the train track which runs through the eastern section of the city.


To construct this road, the city will have to rent land from the train company and a total of 280,500 square meters of land will be rented and it is hoped that this road will take the pressure off the main Sukumvit Road which is expected to suffer from dramatic increases in traffic over the next few years thanks to the new airport in Bangkok and continued development of industrial and residential areas in Pattaya.


The final decision on budget allocations will be made next month.



My first reaction to this is I'm glad something will be done about the trafic congestion on Sukhumvit Highway, but it is hardly going to do much to solve the rest of the traffic problems that are now plaguing Pattaya. It's a begining, but much more needs to be done than just this.


I don't know is there is anything similar to Eminent Domain in Thailand, but if there is they need to start using it before the traffic problems become so severe that once you are in the city, everything will grind to a halt.


Along with the traffic congestion, parking is a major problem as well. There simply isn't enough space, even at major shopping malls, for all the cars. That's one of the reasons why you find so much double and triple parking throughout Pattaya, which causes even more traffic congestion when lanes become useless due to parked cars.


It's a major problem that I don't think this parallel-to-Sukhumvit highway will resolve, but at least it's a start.

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Is there any info on the proposed fast railroad connection to the new airport to Pattaya?


maybe it is just a pipedream?



It would be just wonderful. The drive is just crazy right now. There is no way to work on your computer when you are in a car. A train would be so nice.. well I guess..

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