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Guest FourAces

Forgive Me As I Have (Gay) Sinned

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Guest FourAces

Well so much for me being allowed to carry the Gay Card anymore. I always try to support gay causes and if presented with a reasonable option take the gay friendly road.

But tonight I was weak, I looked at the devil and he winked at me ... I just could not control myself I I I I I had dinner at Chick Filet :o

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Guest hitoallusa

Lol... I love Chick filet too but not have been there for a while.. They must have gay employees who are not out and the company might get things from gay subcontractor unknowingly so don't worry too much Four Aces...^_^

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I am not sure if I told this story on here or not, but last year I drove across the country and I was pissed at Chick-Fil-A and I was driving from California to Hilton Head. I stopped in a Chick-Fil-A in every state along the way and pissed outside in their parking lot. :smile: Yes, I know sick but it made me feel better about the stance they had taken.

As for eating there, I have had my urges too but I have avoided them. FA: when the urge comes upon you again, I suggest just finding a twink and giving them a BJ. It always settles me down. :smile:

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I hate to hold a grudge but in Chick-Fil-A's case I will make an exception. I have never eaten there and have no plans to do so.

However, that is my personal opinion and I am not pointing any fingers at anyone else. :smile:

Best regards,


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