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Guest rimchair

Te'o & Tuiasosopo: The Hoaxter Lovers?

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Guest rimchair

What is the relationship between Notre Dame star Te'o & Ronaiah Tuiasosopo? I will go out on a limb, they are / were homosexual lovers helping one another out.

"Deadspin's story paints a connection between Te'o and Tuiasosopo, a 22-year-old Californian who is alleged to be the person behind the fake identity of Kekua. Since-deleted Tweets cited in the Deadspin story suggest there is some connection between Tuiasosopo and Te'o. What is that connection? Was he fooled by someone he knows or part of a lie that garnered him positive publicity?"



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Guest josephga

I'm surprised he calls this person he never met his girl friend. But this stuff happens allot. When it happen to me in 03 I didn't know much about it and completely felt embarrassed. Then I watched that catfish movie and now the series and see this has happen allot.

DR phil's recently done shows on it. In my case this person convinced me for 8 months that they were 26 years old, landscaper living in Atlanta. sent over a dozen photos had numerous phone conversations. Red flags would never meet. Always some excuse. a tragedy in their life a illness, couldn't get away from work. Worst of it was I was under going chemo at the time. this person knew I had cancer. A friend of mine wanted to investigate. he worked in law enforcement and had the means. I said no because I was foolish and didn't believe someone would hurt a guy with cancer because to do so would mean realizing that they are a monster. My friend went behind my back and investigated anyway. This guy turned out to be nearly 60 years old using someone else photos. I felt completely humiliated.. With this case I'm wondering did someone fool this football player or was he the one that made it up

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This is the most bizarre story that we don't know the entire thing yet I've ever heard. I'm sure there is more embarrassing things to come on this one.

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What is the relationship between Notre Dame star Te'o & Ronaiah Tuiasosopo? I will go out on a limb, they are / were homosexual lovers helping one another out.

Same thought crossed my mind.

Not enough facts in evidence to make a judgment yet but, with even the non-sports networks going nuts about this, it's only a matter of time before the truth comes out (so to speak).

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What is the relationship between Notre Dame star Te'o & Ronaiah Tuiasosopo? I will go out on a limb, they are / were homosexual lovers helping one another out.

That's exactly what I think. There's been a lot of gay rumors about Manti for quite some time. This makes total sense.

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Guest rimchair

I totally concur Totally Oz. However his near future is in the hands of professional handlers, how they will spin this, and Te'o himself, is anyones guess.

"Te’o was holed up in the buildings of IMG Academy Friday in Bradenton, Fla., where professional handlers were presumably designing ways for him to salvage his reputation and his marketability following the Deadspin report that said the girlfriend, Lennay Kekua, never existed."


Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/college/weiss-chance-truth-te-handlers-call-plays-article-1.1242338#ixzz2IIyiVsmZ

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Guest josephga

The woman Manti Te’o thought was Lennay Kekua from photos has come forward and she’s not happy.

Diane O’Meara, a 23-year-old woman from Torrance, Calif., says she is the woman in the photos and that she did not give her consent to have them used as part of what appears to be a hoax.

“Somebody stole her identity,” a relative named Olga Volkov told The New York Post. “[O’Meara’s family] found out about it yesterday. They were shocked.”

According to Deadspin, the woman in the photo was a high school classmate of Ronaiah Tuiasosopo, the man who appears to have perpetrated the hoax from the beginning.

O’Meara has retained a lawyer and he told Inside Edition that his client is also a victim in this hoax that continues to get stranger by the day.

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Guest hitoallusa

I did unfortunately since girls would not leave alone a well raised southern lady... They keep asking whether I'm single and tried to hook me up with other girls...

Isn't pretending to have a girlfriend back home what every closeted gay college guy does?

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Guest hitoallusa

I agree.. I haven't read the article since it's in the sport section... But hope all the facts come out.. ^_^

Patience, EXPAT, let's let all the facts get out there before making a judgment.

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Manti Te'o will finally go on camera to talk about the recent girlfriend hoax controversy ... and Katie Couric is the lucky broadcaster to score the interview.

Te'o spoke to ESPN's Jeremy Schaap on Friday, but not on camera. During that interview, Te'o admitted he handled the Lennay Kekua situation poorly ... but maintained he was in no way involved with the hoax.

The Notre Dame linebacker told Schaap he only realized for sure this past week that he was being duped.

According to ABC News, Couric will sit down with Te'o and his parents, Brian and Ottilia Te'o. The interview will air this Thursday.


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Guest rimchair

Wait, there is more! Tuiasosopo is gonna be the fall guy, who woulda thunk.

The bizarre Manti Te’o fake girlfriend frenzy reached a new low — with a high-pitched confession.

Hoax mastermind Ronaiah Tuiasosopo, posing as the mysterious Lennay Kekua, was the falsetto voice on the other end of the all-night phone calls with the Notre Dame star, the scammer’s lawyer said.

The Heisman Trophy finalist “thought it was a female he was talking with,” lawyer Milton Grimes acknowledged to the Daily News. “It was Ronaiah as Lennay.”


The soul-baring chats between the star linebacker and the man posing as his phantom girlfriend were the linchpin of their fake fairy-tale romance. But Te’o apparently never realized it was Tuiasosopo disguising his voice to assume the persona of stunning, sassy Stanford coed Kekua.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/college/hear-te-hoax-perpetrator-impersonated-female-voice-phone-article-1.1246480#ixzz2Iv0uqXEj!

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