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Jodie Foster's Golden Globe Speech

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This was the strangest part of her speech that didn't really explain what she was going to do next. But she did clarify in the press conference that she will continue to be an actress. So what the hell does this mean then?

This feels like the end of one era and the beginning of something else. Scary and exciting, and now what? Well, I'm never going to be up on this stage again. On any stage, for that matter. Change, you've gotta love it. I will continue to tell stories, to move people by being moved: the greatest job in the world. It's just that from now on, I may be holding a different talking stick. And maybe it won't be as sparkly. Maybe it won't open on three thousand screens. Maybe it will be so quiet and delicate that only dogs can hear it whistle. But it will be my writing on the wall: Jodie Foster was here, I still am, and I want to be seen, to be understood, deeply, and to be not so very lonely. Thank you, all of you, for the company. Here's to the next fifty years.

And here is Michelangelo Signorile's take on what Jodie Foster's coming out means in 2013:


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This has been the most talked about Golden Globes moment and it is also the most confusing. She really did not do anyone any favor with this confusing speech.

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Guest hitoallusa

It was a confusing speech... Maybe she was not prepared for the speech... But the acknowledgment part of her speech did't go well either... So I guess she was a bit emotionally distressed too?

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She was apparently trying to do something, but we'll never know what it is because she left everyone so confused. Maybe she's been exposed to Mel Gibson for too long. (She keeps defending him.)

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Guest BudFoxx

If her "speech" was confusing to you then you really never had a chance to understand it from the beginning.

This was a moment in time which will be remembered by those who understand time.

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Guest BudFoxx

It was completely scripted and she was reading from the teleprompter. So it was what she intended . . . unfortunately.

you could not be more ill-informed nor more inflammatory with that suggestion of her intention.

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Guest BudFoxx

I cant imagine any gay man finding fault with an expression of another person of our community as being what has been suggested here. We all find our paths differently.

Jodie Foster is someone we should embrace as one who is different, yet strong.

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She criticized the current privacy standards when celebrities package their coming out with a fragrance, reality shows etc. However she traded her coming out (40 something years coming) in change for a tacky "lifetime" award given by a bogus organization that no serious person in show-business respects. They basically went to her and offered this meaningless award if she agreed to come out on their show. Thats how things work. Somebody with more dignity would have kept the "secret". Horrible woman.

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Guest FourAces

I didn't feel it was confusing at all. I think she was a little nervous trying too hard to be funny and maybe went off script a bit ... but aside from the freak Mel Gibson, I basically understood what she was referring to.

A time when regardless of sexual orientation one has the right to privacy to be respected ... and she went on to thank a bunch of people involved in her career and her former partner.

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So EXPAT is quite sure that she was reading this off of a teleprompter? And she still rambled to this extent?

She has won two Oscars after all. Been nominated for others. I loved her in small supporting role in Inside Man. Quick, smart. She seemed to be in that same zone, but rambling a bit. So I thought she was speaking extemporaneously.

The more I thought about the speech, the more I appreciated where she was coming from and its subtext.

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Yet she said she would never grace this stage again or any stage. Then when asked back stage she said she would never leave acting and directing. She was all over the place in her dialog which is why it left everyone confused. And that part she was definitely reading. So who knows.

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She wants her privacy. As a child star who has been stalked by the public her whole life, who can blame her? She doesn't owe us her coming out, and she's been very consistent on that score over the years.

She wants to take her career in a new direction.

It isn't that hard people.

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Guest hitoallusa

Thanks Caeron.. That makes sense.. ^_^

She wants her privacy. As a child star who has been stalked by the public her whole life, who can blame her? She doesn't owe us her coming out, and she's been very consistent on that score over the years.

She wants to take her career in a new direction.

It isn't that hard people.

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