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Will you sign a petition for a Mom's Gay BoyScout son?

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Ryan joined the Boy Scouts at age six, and always dreamed of earning his Eagle Award: the highest rank in the Boy Scouts. Ryan has completed all requirements for his Eagle, but after coming out as gay, local Boy Scout leaders won't honor him. Will you sign his mom's petition, asking the Boy Scouts to give him the award he's work so hard for?


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This week I was also petitioned to sign for prayer in schools and urging Putin not to sign the law banning Americans from adopting Russian children. I oppose prayer in school, so I didn't sign that. Putin has already signed the adoption law, so I didn't sign that. I did sign the NY Daily News petition to ban assault rifles.

There is also a petition to get the White House to declare Westboro Baptist a hate group. Petitions can cause companies to back down, but I doubt very much it will move the Boy Scouts, however desirable that is.

(According to the Sacramento Bee, the petition was delivered already to the scout council with 400,000 signatures.)

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