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Guest hitoallusa

Asian Therapy

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Guest hitoallusa

Well it's not therapy related to sex.. ^_^ I went to see an Asian therapist who fixes people with back and muscle problems.. As if in Kung Fu movies by one look at me he figured out my chronic shoulder problem without telling him what i came for and fixed it right away.. I was so surprised what western medicine couldn't fix for a long time after spending a lot of money, he fixed it right away.. I am not sure how he did it just by touching and relaxing the muscles in the area of pain but he made a fortune out of his practice and ready to retire soon. The fee I paid was so little compared to what I pay a specialist in the US and he helps people with low income too. So I guess people have different talent in helping other people... I hope it can be studied in the US so a lot of people can benefit from it..

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I have also had some success with Asian therapy treatments. Thai massage can be quite helpful. Also recommended are the penile injections wherein the practitioner inserts a hard object into your anus, thus allowing him to bathe it in a special sauce which is a good remedy for a number of illnesses, including depression, loneliness, and horniness.

Some therapist actually believe that the anus must be kept quite clean to maintain good health, thus don't be surprised if they use their tongue to lick it clean. Just as you must wash your hands for several minutes, so too must this therapy take some time for best results.

One therapist I went to insisted that he had to drain the toxins from my body by performing fellatio on me, but this usually takes several treatments to work best.

But, for me, and your results may vary, the joining of tongues is good for passing mutually beneficial microbes. The draining procedure mentioned above is also good when you insert the toxins in the therapist's anus. He has special microbes to make sure they don't hurt his karma, and in fact, he usually is all smiles when you complete the injection

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Guest hitoallusa

Sex can actually increase one's immune system and a doctor once recommended on TV one sex per week. Of course too much sex decreases one's immunity too but not sure whether that statement is scientifically proven.

I am not so sure whether rimming is beneficial. I got parasites once and always feel itchy around my mouth and after giving rimming.

Well the US is pretty safety from parasites but other countries are not. Children are given anti-parasite medicine from time to time. It's not a good idea to give rimming although your immune system can mostly take care of it.

I have seen some sexually active gay people with HPV on their mouth and lips. So I would not recommend receiving rimming from a lot of people.. Just with a person you love, perhaps. ^_^

I heard that kissing is beneficial too. So do it a lot Lucky! I think you can get it without seeing a therapy for you... unfortunately, not for me ....^_^

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