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Guest lurkerspeaks

Which movie to see?

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Guest lurkerspeaks

Going to a movie later today. Should I see Skyfall, Argo, or Red Dawn?

Input on which ones you have seen and which one you enjoyed or did not like. Thanks.

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Guest lurkerspeaks

I already saw "perks". Liked it and commented on it here on the board already.. thanks Lucky for your input. Guess everyone else is busy/asleep on this lazy Sunday

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I heard Cloud Atlas was very busy and confusing...

True enough. I had the advantage of reading the book first, so I knew who the characters were. Roger Ebert said he'd see it twice. Frankly, I didn't see how they could make a movie of it, and they succeeded by quick cuts (more like television I thought) and loose connections between them. What you'll get is three hours of nonstop entertainment up on the screen. And did I mention it has Ben Wishaw? :rolleyes:


Have not heard of "the flat"..

I don't think it's had a very wide release, but the critics liked it and so did I. Imagine a friendship between a German Jewish family and a high-ranking Nazi officer before, during, and after the war. The film picks up after their death when their Tel Aviv apartment is being cleaned out by their children and grandchildren and the unlikely friendship is discovered and revealed. And it's all true. Amazing to ponder on how many shades of gray there are, and how we can compartmentalize our lives. Again, well worth the price of admission.

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I wonder how the NY Times reviewed Lookin's choices...

Believe it or not, I did read the New York Times reviews before seeing the two films, especially Cloud Atlas. What they had to say about that one was not especially enlightening:

Together the filmmakers try so hard to give you everything — the secrets of the universe and the human heart; action, laughs and romance; tragedy and mystery — that you may wind up feeling both grateful and disappointed.

Well, I knew from reading the book that there wasn't much else they could do. Many believed there wasn't any way they could make the book into a movie, including David Mitchell, the author. One pundit predicted it might be a dog's breakfast of a film. :D

The New Yorker review was a bit more useful:

. . . the best thing about “Cloud Atlas” is that it could, and should, turn into a properly divisive film, touching off feuds between the fervid and the splenetic, but one has to ask: does it allow for immersion?

Well, yes it does, especially if you remember to take adequate precautions in the parking lot just prior. 64576F137B9921002A2356698FD58D8D.jpg

But, in the end, both reviews encouraged you to go see for yourself, which I had every intention of doing since I enjoyed the book so much. Oh, and did I mention Ben Wishaw?


Famous composer Vivyan Ayers doesn't know he needs

an amanuensis until Robert Frobisher shows up

The Times review of The Flat was more informative but, again, it neither dissuaded me nor made me more fervent about seeing the film.

I don't go to a lot of movies and I really hate finding myself sitting through a stinker. So I do tend to read several reviews before plunking down my $6.50. I usually like the New Yorker's reviews best, but more than once I've been very grateful for the tips from my fellow posters here at MER. :thumbsup:

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Guest lurkerspeaks

I ended up going to see Skyfall. Let me start off by saying that I am not a big fan of James Bond movies. I don't think I have seen one since the Roger Moore days..That being said, I found Skyfall to be very entertaining and engaging. I enjoyed it and would recommend it to others who want to see a good, action movie. I did find one thing particularly funny-Daniel Craig running around doing all the strenuous stuff, in a tight, PeeWee Herman-esque suit.

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Guest lurkerspeaks

Lucky, doesn't it diminish the authenticity of a "Likes this" if it is requested? I prefer my "likes" to come non-solicited. You should know by now that I am one of your biggest fans.


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