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He Didn't Like The Show

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Theater critics can be harsh, at times, and why not? Some shows suck. WSJ critic Terry Teachout did not like the new Broadway musical The Performers, starring the studly Cheyenne Jackson, who plays a porn star.

My first clue on this was the remark:

By intermission I was positively panting for a nude scene, though I would have settled for a cyanide capsule.

And, if that were not enough, he concludes his review by saying:

You get the idea? That "The Performers" is being done on Broadway is a mortal insult to the intelligence of anyone who ventures within 20 blocks of the Longacre Theatre. We're talking major, major awful here, a surefire candidate for the What-Were-They-Thinking Prize of 2012.

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In other theater news, a drunk patron at the Paul Rudd play "Grace" was sitting in the front row of the mezzanine the other night when he vomited all over the people sitting below. The show didn't miss a beat despite the commotion.

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The Performers will close on Sunday, only 7 performances on thee official run. They did a lot of previews. I almost bought a ticket for $127 + fee, total $137. Thank you moderators for sending the hand of Twink down to stop me!

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