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Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2

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Will you be in line to see the final chapter in this vampire love story? I will see it because I actually think this will be the best movie of the lot.

The premiere was last night in LA and there were thousands there camping out just to see this:


Guest NCBored

I will probably wait for the DVD or cable. i have watch the penultimate one first.

I enjoyed the series (the movies - didn;t read the books).


I'd rather stand in line to see Taylor frankly. . .for me he is the twink lovers dream although some may not put him in the twink category. I do based on my own definition.



I have tickets for the first day in Thailand. I am very excited. I love vampires and I love Taylor!

The BF asks me often why I love vampire tv shows and movies but I hate ghost movies. He wanted me to see Silent Hill with him last night and I refused. I just hate scarey movies. But, I love vampire movies! And, did I mention, I love Taylor!


I hate to break this to you but Taylor is a werewolf. . .LOL


I hate to break this to you but Taylor is a werewolf. . .LOL

Last year in LA, my friends and I saw the premiere at 12:01AM and we all dressed up. They all went as vampires. I went as a werewolf. ^_^ During the opening, everyone was yelling who they were for. I was for Team Jacob. It seemed like every gay man in the place was as well.

Yes, I know he is a werewolf and as much as I love vampires, I'd love to watch him destroy anyone he wants (except the other cute werewolf named Seth). ^_^

Guest hitoallusa

I hope he doesn't bring fleas into my bed... That's why I don't like werewolves...unless fleas, ticks and other things they get wandering in the woods magically disappear as they transform to their normal selves..

I won't like either taste or smell of blood on the breath of vampires... I won't be able to kiss them at all.. No kiss no romance... I will just watch Pretty Woman online again waiting for a guy to come to my balcony...


I won't like either taste or smell of blood on the breath of vampires... I won't be able to kiss them at all..

You would not then have liked me going to The Web/NYC a couple of Halloweens ago dressed in full Barnabas Collins drag. The famous cane included...


(The prop was a standard-production cane that you can still buy from, among other places, a specialty umbrella shop across the street from where the Russian Tea Room used to be.)

Guest hitoallusa

Oh my with your pale skin I believe you must have looked impeccable in black! Don't tell me that guys hit you up and you ended up in someone's bed.. I might get jealous again... ^_^

You would not then have liked me going to The Web/NYC a couple of Halloweens ago dressed in full Barnabas Collins drag. The famous cane included...


(The prop was a standard-production cane that you can still buy from, among other places, a specialty umbrella shop across the street from where the Russian Tea Room used to be.)


Oh my with your pale skin I believe you must have looked impeccable in black! Don't tell me that guys hit you up and you ended up in someone's bed.. I might get jealous again... :smile:

Well, not exactly. I took home one of the dancers from The Web. (We detoured through Harlem to obtain some, ahem, substances ... I must have made quite the spectacle standing there on Adam Clayton Powell Blvd in black cape & red tie. Thank goodness at least for this cane, I remember thinking for a few moments while I waited on the sidewalk alone.)

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