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WWHD? (What will Hillary do?)

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While Secretary of State Hillary Clinton may be eyeing the exit door next year, while she's still the Secretary of State, she's continuing to use her office to advance the rights of LGBT people around the world. Her latest endorsement is Out On the Street, a summit of powerful financial heads in London coming together to decide how the financial industry can advance LGBT rights. “The inaugural Out on the Street summit in Europe is an exciting opportunity to connect with one another and share strategies on how to advance the rights of LGBT individuals in the workplace and beyond, and to underscore why this issue matters for the industry”

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Guest hitoallusa

I hated when Obama supporters would not support her because she's a woman and her supporters would not support Obama because he's black... One democrat who I am acquainted with and support Obama thinks that uneducated people should not have children because they pass on bad genes... Only PhDs, MDs and Ivy leagues should have children and he's worried that people will get dumb. I am not sure whether this kind of bias and prejudice comes from? How does it originate and why it hinders and restrain moving forward...

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I hated when Obama supporters would not support her because she's a woman and her supporters would not support Obama because he's black...

I am offended by that summary!

I was an Obama supporter and like many others didn't support her for two reasons:

I didn't believe she stood for anything other than it being her turn.

I believed her election would drive the right over the edge and nothing would get done.

Her work as a senator and especially as Sec State have changed my mind on the first one, and fsm knows the right couldn't have gone any more batshit than they did on Obama, so now I hope she runs too. Though I'd also be OK with Biden. Would love Warren, but she might be a bridge too far at the moment.

One democrat who I am acquainted with and support Obama thinks that uneducated people should not have children because they pass on bad genes... Only PhDs, MDs and Ivy leagues should have children and he's worried that people will get dumb. I am not sure whether this kind of bias and prejudice comes from? How does it originate and why it hinders and restrain moving forward...

I think that unwanted childbirth is a large cause of poverty, which becomes a negative spiral. The eugenics is BS and it's hard to believe others still believe it, but I am all for offering everybody--especially those who can least afford it access to birth control, or even incentivising something like Norplant.

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Guest zipperzone

I think she would make a great president. Only problem is that by 2016 she will be about 70. Too old for all the pressure that comes with the job? Who knows.

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I think she would make a great president. Only problem is that by 2016 she will be about 70. Too old for all the pressure that comes with the job? Who knows.

If they live through child birth then women mostly outlive men. Consider her at 70 to be on par with men in their early to mid sixties.

The dumb GOP doesn't realize that when the go after cuts to medicare they are going after women again. They are the majority of recipients, outliving their male counterparts.

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