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Guest gcursor

Boardwalk Empire questions

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Guest gcursor

Okay, I have been watching this series for a while but some of the plot holes are getting bigger and bigger. Now during this post, I may not use the people's names properly (because I'm too damned lazy to look every one of them up) but I'll try to describe them as best I can.

First of all, the new gangster that they have who is always in Nucky's face seems so far-fetched to me. I thought it was interesting at first but he takes EVERYTHING literally! It was a great hook at first but now I just roll my eyes at how "cliche" his character has become. He really could've been a good person to go against Nucky for some time too except that his character just seems so comical now that I feel sorry for the poor actor who has to play him.

Second of all, I think that Nucky had asked Mickey (the guy who talks with the very annoying voice) to run his warehouse. That one night when they were ambushed while trying to take the liquor through that one small town, it shows a scene where Mickey sees another guy flagging them down to tell them it's a trap. Mickey ignores him and tells the guys to drive on through and then you hear all the gunshots and a scene is shown with all the people dead at the hands of the gangster (see paragraph above). The next week, you don't hear anything from Mickey but he is briefly mentioned again in the following week and I was like, "WHAT? How the heck did he escape? He was the only guy that escaped that huge gun shootout ? What the heck is up with that?"

so let me know what y'all think of my ideas and any of your own that you'd like to share. gcursor

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