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Franklin Graham is an evil cunt

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Guest hitoallusa

Every idea and philosophy gets tested and filtered in every society... Admonishing those with old ideas is possible and acceptable I think but condemning them in the eternal hell is a bit harsh.

When our descendants ( well frankly speaking those children of straight people) look back at our time they might think that we held onto wrong ideas and not progressive enough too. I hope they don't condemn us to hell... ^_^

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Admonishing those with old ideas is possible and acceptable I think but condemning them in the eternal hell is a bit harsh.

You know I don't really disagree with you on this.

Still, right now it's a good thing I don't have the power to bring about what I wished for.

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No news here.

Not surprised, just even more disgusted than I had believed possible before.

Thought FG had hit bottom when he insisted his mother be buried at the Franklin Graham Ego Center instead of where she had wanted to be. This latest at least equals that.

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