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Guest hitoallusa

Final debate tonight

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I voted today in early voting. So it's done for me. Now if I could get rid of all of the commercials for all of the California propositions out here. I'm glad I don't live in a swing state.

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I can hardly imagine what you are going through. I called my sister in Southern California over the weekend and I almost didn't leave a message. It turns out she has had to resort to filtering all of her phone calls. Sounds sick!

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Guest hitoallusa

Obama did well so I think he will not lose more ground and will be able to win. ^_^ I hope Obama can do good things in his second term and finish what he has started. ^_^ I always feel sorry for the losers but Romney did his best he got a great chance to fight for his belief so I want to show respect for his hard work.

I don't think any president can do so many great things in a country where corruption and injustice are so prevalent.. It's like we want a president who can support their bad practices and main their wealth...

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