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New Banner at top of BoyToy.com

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I hope the new banner at the top of the site is a bit easier on your eyes and a bit easier for you to navigate the forums. We listened to you in the forums with the larger banner and did our best to incorporate your suggestions. We also decreased the size of the Flirt area.

We also changed the colors of the site (not an easy task after live) as many said they were too dark and dreary.

I want to thank you for all your patience during this move. We still have a bit more work to do and open to any other suggestions you have. We will be sending out an email to all members in the next few days but wanted to let the site be tested for a few days before we did that.

Thank you all for your help, guidance and patience.


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Guest FourAces

OZ, for me, the subtle changes make a big difference. The site still has that fresh, new car feel :thumbsup:

btw I hope you kept that sexy banner just for the memories :P

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I hope the new banner at the top of the site is a bit easier on your eyes and a bit easier for you to navigate the forums. We listened to you in the forums with the larger banner and did our best to incorporate your suggestions. We also decreased the size of the Flirt area.

We also changed the colors of the site (not an easy task after live) as many said they were too dark and dreary.

Thanks. I also figured out a couple of tweaks in my browser (Safari) that made the wide black borders much less intrusive. Still black, of course, but much less funereal.

Should have realized, but didn't at first, that a major overhaul like the one you folks have done might require some changes in my browser settings. Still trying to figure out what I can do to keep my browser toolbar from disappearing when I open profile windows. I can add it back manually, but need to do it every time I open a profile window. Other windows retain the toolbar, but profile windows don't. The toolbar is especially convenient in the profile windows as it lets me easily zoom the rather tiny default text.


I want to thank you for all your patience during this move. We still have a bit more work to do and open to any other suggestions you have. We will be sending out an email to all members in the next few days but wanted to let the site be tested for a few days before we did that.

Since you asked, the "Total Members" statistics to the right of the Boy Toy logo may be in search of a better layout/placement. They look fine when I have text set to a small font, but they extend past the bottom of the banner into never-never land when I use a larger font. Perhaps they could be placed in a horizontal box of their own, or moved to the bottom of the screen where they won't muck up the primary site banner.

Thank you all for your help, guidance and patience.


As if you had to ask this crowd for guidance! :rolleyes:


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