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Guest gcursor

Escort Logic Problems

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Guest gcursor

SO I have been taking a Princeton class on COURSERA. Hey, it's free and it's not like I will ever go to Princeton in my real life anyway. The course is called INTRO TO LOGIC. I'm starting to understand how to create the problems (similar to algebra equations) and then I made a REVOLUTIONARY breakthrough! NOW I can understand practically any logic problem just by tweaking them a little. Here's an example, I won't give you the BORING before ..just the exciting problem AFTER

IF Tom loves having sex with Escort Dan, then Tom loves having sex with Escort Bill.

IF it's Sunday & raining, then Tom loves having sex with Escort Dan or Escort Bill.

IF it's Sunday & raining, does Tom love having sex with Escort Bill?

Let me know what you think the answer might be ^_^

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Guest CharliePS

I can't follow this pseudo-syllogism, because it seems to have two major premises and no minor premise. However, I suspect Tom doesn't care about the day or the weather, as long as he can have either Dan or Bill.

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Guest hitoallusa

I don't think two premises themselves are not so logical... It's like building a house on sand. I don't think that's not how logic works but I might be wrong. Logic should be based on sound premises and statements, IMHO. Anyways, my answer is NO... What's the answer Gcursor?

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