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Rush Limbaugh's views on penis size. . .

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Rush Limbaugh's take on a new Italian study that says penises are shrinking is that it's all the fault of feminists. "I think it’s feminism, if it’s tied to the past 50 years …,” he explained. “It has to be the feminazis. The ‘chickification’ and everything else. … But air pollution versus feminazis? Ha!” Does that mean that gay penises are still the same size? My take is that he's nuts. Not that it's not new information. . .

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If Kinsey is to be believed with the modern day ubiquitous male nudity abounding on the internet, it looks like penis size may be growing, no pun intended. I believe he gave 5" - 5.5" as the average. While I suspect many still wield that stat, given the number of cocks that exceed that by a significant margin many a pigmy would be needed to hold to that average. Maybe it is something peculiar to the Italian water? I know that Quebec water is not so tainted. :P

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