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This is the official poster for the latest James Bond movie. I'm looking forward to this. But what I'm most looking forward to is the new Bond song reportedly written and recorded by the ever talented Adele.


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At last! I've been waiting for the next Bond movie. MGM was having financial problems for a while...guess this means they've recovered. :smile:

I'd guess this was made in spite of their ever-continuing troubles. Less obviously money-making properties they own haven't been so lucky. I don't understand how they can be in such bad straits for years and years running--with popular properties and income from their back catalog... have they been through bankruptcy yet? One of these days I really have to read up on what's going on over there.

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I'd guess this was made in spite of their ever-continuing troubles. Less obviously money-making properties they own haven't been so lucky. I don't understand how they can be in such bad straits for years and years running--with popular properties and income from their back catalog... have they been through bankruptcy yet? One of these days I really have to read up on what's going on over there.

Many of these movie moguls/studios bury their money for business profit sharing reasons. Who knows.

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Guest hitoallusa

Finally I knew Bond was too stylish not to be gay! ^_^ When a guy looks that beautiful after vigorous fights it tells something about his sexuality...

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Guest hitoallusa

Oh my Lookin is that your type... ^_^ He is so cute..

I really enjoyed Cloud Atlas. Didn't see how they could make a movie out of that book, but they did! And I could watch Ben Wishaw for days. :whistle:


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Here is the full theme song by Adele. Such a beautiful song.

I saaw the movie today and was just wowed by Adele's song. I knew little about her, but as the song was playing I thought here is one I would buy. I guess I don't have to now. The visuals during the song are fantastic.

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Saw this last weekend.

Very well made-not as ridiculous as the last two(Sam Mendes tking notes?)and much more charecter/stunt driven than many of the previous Bond films(The adorable Q only gives him two gadgets-both very real) but I did find it overly long.

Speaking of overly long I also saw Cloud Atlas. It was great for the most part but needed to be edited down IMO. The adorable Ben Whitshaw is very fetching and has a very shapely ass.

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Guest hitoallusa

Didn't have time so read the plot in the wikipedia... And watched the trailer.. I'm a bit shocked of the ending but I think the relationship between M and Bond will be different on the sequel.. Overall, It seems very nice... I think I will watch it once it gets online later though..

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Guest hitoallusa

Sorry I try to be ambiguous as possible so not to reveal the ending... I can't edit it now... :(

hito, some folks may not like learning what happens in the film before they see it.

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All in all I liked it, but felt there were too many reminders about it having been "50 years of Bond" and too much carefully trying to make sure we knew to expect another 50!

The plot was a bit meh as well. The bad guy was well played but his plan doesn't stand up to any thought. I'm not going to kill _ now, or now, OK, now that nothing else has been accomplished and it's a lot less likely to succeed I'm gonna do it!

But it did have great opening weekend, so I'm sure there's more coming soon. And yet MGM will still be teetering on the edge, I assume?

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