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American Idol - It's now OFFICIAL

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It's official, your new American Idol judges are Mariah Carey, Nicki Minaj, Keith Urban and Randy Jackson! Everyone gave a heartfelt toast about being on the show after we ate last night. They are going to see the first contestants today, Sunday, Sept 16.


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And here is there official judges position at the table. I knew Mariah would be on the far left. She is obsessed with the right side of her face being her only good side. LOL


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How disappointing ! I truly dont believe Nicki and Keith were "concscious" choices, I mean WHY would you seek these 2 out ??? Nicki is kinda like Demi Lovato on X Factor, new to the business and really in NO position to judge talent IMO. and Keith Urban ??? How BLAND !!!! Every time you see him on a red carpet he is silent and taking a back seat to his famous wife Nicole Kidman.... Really, other than Mariah, this panel holds NO interest for me.....

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It's obvious that Brit Twit, Nigel Lythgoe, is going for American Idol:The CSI Season.

Already, on the first day of taping, there is public disdain and mud slinging between Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj. I'll bet a buck this will become the centerpiece of the show and whatever good talent may come there way will play second fiddle to the diva and diva wanna-be.

What a sad end to a once formidable and entertaining show.

AI out.

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