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Guest FourAces

He's Black He's A Slave He Likes the N Word

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Mcamp, in all this wide world, you will not find a more welcoming community of men (& 1 or 1.5 more subspecies!) than here. Your phobic rant just now raised a flag (pick your color) for sundry & all. Good will abounds here as from few places on the planet. You just made it plain that your site is not one of those.

We wish you well, and that you find the peace that eludes you.

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If this AdamSmith is what you call and identify as friendly then maybe your crowd is not my crowd.

:lol: hey little boy ... in another error I would rip you to shreds but i am a good community citizen now. But that could always change. Don't make me call my friend Rico up and tell him about you. Now sniffles go about your business you boring whore, oops sorry did I type that?

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Guest FourAces

I do not understand the fouraces threat toward me about ripping me to shreds and becoming a rico person.

I always thought you are a old timer with a new public face. The line above confirms it for me ... where did I mention anything about "becoming a Rico person?" I said I will talk to my friend Rico :lol:

Its obvious you are someone focused on me trying to make it look bad in front of all these posters I very much respect whether I always agree with them or not.

Little fella you are living in the past ... the rest of us seemed to have moved forward. Maybe you can catch the next train to here now.

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Guest FourAces

Just a quick note to those who have written in this thread in support of me .... I sincerely thank you you all have no idea how much your words mean to me :thumbsup:

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This thread prompts some interesting thoughts: in compressed form, namely that we can indulge all kinds of spiritual sloth here so long as we are (1) intellectually rigorous & honest, (2) (this should have been #1) emotionally honest, (3) morally & ethically on the level (funny how online communities like this one sniff out that fail so quickly).

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