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TMZ catches Prince Harry naked (or at least the photo did)

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Prince Harry was in Vegas recently and apparently didn't mind getting naked in front of lot of women. . .

Not sure why they censored his butt. . .



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Guest hitoallusa

What! Prince Harry has a woman on his side too! I will never become a princess if this is true! ^_^ I have to sue all those authors and publishers of fairy tales...

His body is hot! Who is that lady anyway..???

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I will never become a princess if this is true!

You will just have to become the mistress instead. ^_^

But remember who gets the pleasure without the burden of all that work of public appearances blah blah that comes with being married to one of the Royals.

...unless you are really just a gold-digger?

P.S. These pics are nice. Harry may be the least insane of the Royals.

Wills too. But he knows he has to put on that slightly scattered who-gives-a-fig air to be accepted by his varied constituencies.

Mind both of them know how to fly pretty mean-fucking helicopters, and do it more than competently. Which finicky and temperamental aircraft do not tolerate fools gladly, and eliminate same from the gene pool rather efficiently.

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Clarence House confirmed these are actually pictures of Prince Harry but wouldn't provide any more comment. I'm sure this will enhance his reputation in this day and age. . .

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Guest zipperzone

Evidently a British newspaper has gone against the wishes of Buckingham Palace and printed the pictures in the Friday edition of their paper. Bet every copy was snatched up as soon as it hit the streets.

What could be even more fun (or scandal) is that there are two more American women who were present at the strip billiards party reportedly trying to sell more pictures of naked Harry. This could get really juicy. Like the old saying goes, "it ain't over till the fat lady sings".

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Guest CharliePS

Hmmm...somehow I doubt even Prince Harry has gone and gotten himself all tatted up. Just doesn't seem the kind of thing men of his class do.

The tats don't seem to be visible in the candid shots in LV.

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Hmmm...somehow I doubt even Prince Harry has gone and gotten himself all tatted up. Just doesn't seem the kind of thing men of his class do.

Perhaps with the flashing of the royal fundament that ship has already sailed.

Good thing the lighting was subdued enough to blur out any regal dingleberries. :rolleyes:

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Perhaps with the flashing of the royal fundament that ship has already sailed.

Au contraire mon frere, entitled upper class Brits drop trou faster than Glutes pounces on a BN thread. Toffs just don't ink up their bright white arses before they do it. It's such an other ranks kind of thing, don't you know.

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Guest hitoallusa

Oh my TY are you thinking what I am thinking...^_^

Prince Harry needs to work on his glutes some. I have just the perfect exercise in mind. :D

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The NY Post is reporting that a video of Harry's night of debauchery is being shopped around. My guess is that he could not hide the royal jewels for the whole video, and perhaps his spear could not protect him.

(UPDATE: This story, reported today, appears to be a recycling of the same story from a few days ago.)

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