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Happy Birthday Connie Chung

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Connie Chung turns 66 today. A former anchor, she was the first person to interview magic Johnson after his HIV diagnosis. Married to talk show host Maury Povich, she lives in New York at the famous Dakota apartment building. I stayed there for awhile myself.

The Dakota has long been home to luminaries besides me, including Yoko Ono, Lauren Bacall, and Roberta Flack. I have seen Ms. Bacall, said hello to Yoko One right outside the mail room where John Lennon was taken after being shot, and rode the elevator with Ms. Chung. She was impeccably dressed and rode up with her head down so as to avoid contact. But, when I held the door for her, she gave me a nice smile and a thank you.

One other famous celebrity I saw in the Dakota was escort Rick Munroe. He recognized me and called out, "Hi, Lucky." He was also dressed very nicely.

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Guest FourAces

When I lived in SoCal I used to watch her every night on the local news. It was no surprise she would go national back then. Very talented and very attractive.

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Guest FourAces

Yes, I too remember her from her LA days. Who knew she would some day get to ride in the same elevator as Rick Munroe?

I had forgotten about him and Derrek. How have they been?

btw I am sure she was thrilled :D

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Guest FourAces

Oh, I didn't say that they road in the elevator at the same time! Connie got to ride with me, not Rick.

Oh, in that case I'd say she got lucky :D

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