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What movies do you like to watch over and over again?

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And I'm not talking from your porn collection. I was watching "Star Trek: First Contact" today on HBO2 for probably the 20th time and I was thinking what draws me to watch this movie over and over again. There are a few movies that I love watching over and over again. "Air Force One", "Star Trek" (the latest one), "Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country", and "Avatar" are just a few that I love watching over and over again.

I may have seen each of the above maybe 20 times each. Is that crazy? Do you have any movies you like to watch over and over again?

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Guest lurkerspeaks

Growing up, it was The Wizard of Oz.. As an adult. I have seen Funny Girl numerous times. I have seen Rocky Horror Picture Show probably 50 times or more (but does that one really count?)

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Guest FourAces

The first Die Hard film is one I have watched many times. Ferris Bullers Day Off, The Hunt For Red October, A Perfect World, At The End Of The World, Boogie Nights are others ... and there are about a dozen more.

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Guest NCBored

I'm not sure I've ever sat down and intentionally watched a movie a second time, but there are movies that, if I come across them while browsing channels, will draw me in again - the original Jaws, Aliens [the first sequel], the Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Hunt for Red October, Clear & Present Danger, Patriot Games.

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Guest epigonos

I don't have my television hooked up to cable. I do have it hooked up to a DVD player and nearly every evening I watch a different movie. There are many I have watched over and over again. Just a few of my favorites are:


Chariots of Fire

Pride and Prejudice (Colin Firth version)

Room With a View

To Have and Have Not

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Guest rland54

For this lurker, it has to be the original "The Day the Earth Stood Still". It was and is a great classic. I did not care for the remake at all.

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For this lurker, it has to be the original "The Day the Earth Stood Still". It was and is a great classic. I did not care for the remake at all.


Klaatu... etc. ^_^

Could the remake have been any worse than it was?

Amazing how Keanu can function as the core of films of pure genius, then go blithely along with such dreck as this.

Gratuitously: Wahlberg's astoundingly wooden stilted paralytic (get my drift? ^_^ ) Planet of the Apes remake was another stunning waste of talent and effort.

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DUNE. I own about 5 different versions of it, and am not even a fan of David Lynch in general or choices he made on that movie in particular. But each time I watch it I feel I discover something new. Then again it's also one of the only books I've read multiple times...

I've caught myself watching episodes of Band Of Brothers on TV for the 4th or 5th time even though I have a better DVD copy sitting next to the TV...

I do want to watch through the Lord of the Rings trilogy again soon (have watched lengthy sections on TV more than once...), and have watched extended sections of Tom Clancy based movies when they've been on--though the Ben Affleck one was really bad.

Others I've liked in theaters but liked a lot less on re-watching, the most recent Star Trek being an example. But I do love Undiscovered Country!

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Guest FourAces

Three Days of the Condor - Robert Redford


These are two awesome films I have seen many times. Also, I never tire of the Sting!

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Forgot to mention Pedro Almodovar's Talk to Her, IMHO the best movie of this century so far, also the latest Almodovar The Skin I Live In, a masterpiece no gay man should ignore, unfortunately Americans are allergic to subtitles and so are missing a mind-blowing experience by world's best gay director.

To remain on this century I would like to mention American Gangster and Miami Vice (the movie-no kidding!).

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