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Guest FourAces

Justins Precious 911 Call

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@4Aces: Not entirely clear to me why you found the lad in question to be arrogant or manipulative. Seems like he was just doing what the cops had told him to do.

@Marc: For a non-emergency situation & counting from initiation of the call, a 15 min arrival time off the 101 (after Beiber accidentally switched over to the I-10, exited and made a 180 change of direction on State Street) doesn't seem that bad. Short of diverting a helicopter, I'm not sure how much faster the cops could have arrived. Note that Beiber stated that traffic was slow. That stretch of road around the 101/I-10 interchange can be difficult to maneuver around in.

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Guest FourAces

@MsGuy I meant arrogant in general not nec related to that call.

@Marc Maybe if his Fisker had a $50. GPS unit in it they could have been to his aid faster. But since he had little clue on direction or street names that slowed things down. Also he was playing games at the start not identifying himself by his real name .. and once they knew who it was and were aware of the other incident I''m sure they felt the lad would be safe. The jurisdiction though between CHP and LAPD is absurd. I think a 911 operator should handle the call from start to finish.

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I understand that getting the cops to him in 15 minutes could be justifiable given traffic , changing directions, etc. But he told the story 3 times to 3 different dispatchers over 12 minutes before the last one dispatched police, who then took 3 minutes to get to him. As all of us get frustrated by being passed from person to person on phone calls, it seems 911 calls should not be subject to the same pain. Some people are calling with real emergencies. Just sayin'

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Guest FourAces

Marc no argument and I have no idea why I am defending 911 here lol. But if you listen to the start of the call in the background they have dispatched CHP to get to him. Why it took so long I cannot answer only guess .. and that guess was Justin wasn't even sure where he was. Near the end we hear the LAPD catch up with him who have more officiers available. Why he had to repeat his situation 3 times should be criminal ... unless they were trying to keep him calm by talking? Maybe they were hoping for a quick song? Anyway we aren't too far apart on this. Its scary to think if you or I needed assistance this is what we have to look forward to if in Los Angeles. It was starting to sound like a Keystone Cops routine or a Whos on First routine for a bit.

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I think if I had a very shiny chrome sports car at the age of 18, I'd want to drive it too and probably as fast as I could get away with (which is why an 18 year old shouldn't have cars like his. . .IMO). . .

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There is something to be said for that, EXPAT. Such a flashy and recognizable vehicle only invites onlookers and other cars to sneak a peek at the driver.

I know I would try to get a look at the man who has 24 million Twitter followers!

(Lady Gaga has the most followers, followed by Justin and someone I have never heard of- Katy Perry.)

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