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American Idol rumor mill. . .

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IMO, the problem with this show is and has always been that it has always been more about the judges than the talent. Not to give short shrift to the talent, there has been some good talent on the show. The best usually do not win if you judge by commercial successes. However, Cowell was very controversial as was Abdul, as was their replacements who have come and gone. Frankly it is a lot easier to judge than to perform. One needs talent for the latter. Some of these judges just like to piss on people in public to build their image. Others have emotional breakdowns of a sort on air. It is a circus. Never cared for it.

If this latest rumor is true then it tends to confirm my view. It's all about stirring the judges for product comsumption. It strikes me that a serious talent show ought to be all about the talent. Sure there needs to be judges but they should not overshadow the talent. Else let's just have a judges show where all of the judges can judge each other and leave the poor talent out of the abuse. Put them on a talent show instead. The judges have always been about who can raise their leg the highest when they piss -- well some of them anyway -- and they have set the tone. There is no talent required to be a bully and blowhard.

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It's not about the talent!! It's all about the ratings!!

And that's why we'll always have controversial judges. Just wait until X Factor starts. I can assure you Britney Spears will be must watch TV.

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Todays rumor mill has Fergie, Nicki Minaj, Miley Cyrus and Katy Perry also in talks for the judges panel on Idol...

These fuckers mean "Business" ..... Are they gunnin for Simon ? If so, they better get Madonna cause crazy Britney

is gonna be a hard act to follow.

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It's not about the talent!! It's all about the ratings!!

And that's why we'll always have controversial judges. Just wait until X Factor starts. I can assure you Britney Spears will be must watch TV.

I concede the ratings point. I've just never been much for gawking at car crashes.

As for Britney and must-watch TV, I'm sure I'll watch it just as much as I did before.

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Steven Tyler is leaving "American Idol." Fox and the Aerosmith rocker made the announcement in a press statement.

“After some long ... hard ... thoughts … I've decided it's time for me to let go of my mistress 'American Idol' before she boils my rabbit," Tyler said in a statement. "I strayed from my first love, Aerosmith, and I'm back -- but instead of begging on my hands and knees, I've got two fists in the air and I'm kicking the door open with my band. The next few years are going to be dedicated to kicking some serious ass -- the ultimate in auditory takeover … On Nov. 6, we are unleashing our new album, Music from Another Dimension on the Earth, Moon, Mars, and way beyond the stars ... "Idol" was over-the-top fun, and I loved every minute of it ... Now it's time to bring Rock Back. ERMAHGERD."

Tyler joined the Fox singing competition during Season 10. He served alongside veteran judge Randy Jackson and Jennifer Lopez for Seasons 10 and 11. Lopez has recently told members of the press that she is unsure of her future with "Idol."

"I've enjoyed it so much, but I am thinking it's maybe time for me to go and do other things I really love to do like films ... and performing," Lopez said on "Today." "I know everybody wants that definite ‘yes’ or ‘no,’ and ... all I can let you in on is my own thought process with it, because that’s where I truly am."

So far there has been no concrete word on Lopez and Jackson's involvement with the series for Season 12.

"Steven Tyler is a real 'Idol,' a rock legend. If you had told me 10 years ago he would be a judge on 'American Idol,' I would have thought it impossible," Simon Fuller, creator and executive producer of "American Idol," said in a statement. "The fact that this became a reality and we had the pleasure of him gracing our stage for two seasons makes me very proud. I completely understand his desire to get back to his life as the singer in America's greatest-ever rock band. 'American Idol' will miss him!”

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OK two down!! Jennifer Lopez was on Ryan Seacrest's radio show today and said that she was leaving American Idol as well.

I heard that Randy was staying but will not be a judge in season 12. So I guess we got our clean sweep!!

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Guest zipperzone
OK two down!! Jennifer Lopez was on Ryan Seacrest's radio show today and said that she was leaving American Idol as well. I heard that Randy was staying but will not be a judge in season 12. So I guess we got our clean sweep!!

If he is staying but won't be a judge - what the hell will he do? Teach the contestants his brand of English?

He earns millions for doing sweet f*** all.

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Aretha Franklin has declared that she is interested in judging "American Idol," reports Reuters. In response to an email asking whether she would join the judges panel, the Queen of Soul replied, "Yes I am interested as a judge!"

Rumors have been swirling for weeks about a new panel of judges, even before Steven Tyler and Jennifer Lopez made their departures official. Adam Lambert's name has been tossed around, though it doesn't sound as if the show has actually approached him.

Nigel Lythgoe has also mentioned Jerry Lewis and Charlie Sheen, but frankly -- we hope he's kidding. The singing competition is already enough of a joke as it is at this point, but that would push it over into the completely farcical. Those two names are akin to plucking any two names out of the Old Hat and the Bad Boy Hat. Why not Clint Eastwood and Chris Brown? Why not Betty White and Corey Feldman?

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The rumor mill may be on to something. According to Deadline, Mariah Carey is in final talks to join the judges panel on Fox's "American Idol," reportedly asking for a salary of $17 million.

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Well, its a Start !

I disagree. When the celebrity of the judges trump the purpose of the show, the show suffers credibility issues for what it once represented itself to be.

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The only issue with Mariah becoming a judge is that she is very insecure about how she looks on TV. In every interview she spends more time looking at herself in the monitor than paying attention to the conversation.

But she really was an excellent mentor a couple of seasons ago and if she can translate that to the judges table I think she will be far superior to Jennifer Lopez who could dance but can't really sing. Mariah is by far the best singer in today's pop world.

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The rumors are a-swirling for the

"American Idol" Season 12 judges panel, which so far only consists of Mariah Carey. Maybe we should just leave it at that -- Mimi and Seacrest can get us through, don't you think?

We kid. But

TMZ is reporting that Carey is not pleased with the latest rumor that a deal to sign Nicki Minaj as a second judge is almost done. Sources tell the site that Carey was led to believe she'd be the only woman on the panel and is mad about the younger woman horning in.

There are also sources that say some of the FOX/Fremantle head honchos think the panel can't not have two men, so then they are wondering if they should have two men and two women. Yes, 'cause that worked out so well in Seasons 8 and 9.


Adam Lambert tells the Herald Sun of his "Idol" talks, "I am still waiting on the green light; I am still being considered as far as I know and it was really lovely to talk with them."

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Nicki Minaj ???? Now they are just going with popularity, not Talent. I dont think they really care aboyt the competition. It seems more about picking people to boost viewership. Nicki Minaj ??? Oh come now !

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