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Guest gcursor


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Guest gcursor

For all of you who say you never have enough time, I'm reminding you that there are only 213 more SHOPPING DAYS until Christmas! Plan accordingly!

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Guest hitoallusa

Gcursor a recent Science article about Mayan calendar is interesting since it refutes the notion that Mayans were predicting that the world will end in 2012. So we should be fine.

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Guest hitoallusa

Gcursor a recent Science article about Mayan calendar is interesting since it refutes the notion that Mayans were predicting that the world will end in 2012. So we should be fine.

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Guest gcursor

Actually Hitoall, I wasn't referring to the Mayan end of the world. I was talking about our elections and figuring out who the next President will be and the fallout from that.

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Guest hitoallusa

If that happens you can move to where I am going to be. I will take care of you.. ^_^

Actually Hitoall, I wasn't referring to the Mayan end of the world. I was talking about our elections and figuring out who the next President will be and the fallout from that.

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I agree with the idea that the election might be part of the end of the world as we know it but that has been predicted before and, so far, even with some very nefarious candidates elected, the end has not happened. I don't know if that is good or bad, probably both.

Best regards,


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