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CIA Destroyed Videos Showing Interrogations

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The CIA made videotapes in 2002 of its officers administering harsh interrogation techniques to two al-Qaeda suspects but destroyed the tapes three years later, CIA Director Michael V. Hayden said yesterday.


Captured on tape were interrogations of Abu Zubaydah, a close associate of Osama bin Laden, and a second high-level al-Qaeda member who was not identified, according to two intelligence officials. Zubaydah has been identified by U.S. officials familiar with the interrogations as one of three al-Qaeda suspects who were subjected to "waterboarding," a technique that simulates drowning, while in CIA custody.




Does this really surprise anyone at all? It was obvious for all but to have it officially announced shows just how low we have gone.

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No surprise here - but it would be funny as hell if both tapes showed up on You Tube....


What just amazes me is that this administration gets away with more shit than any in history. And, with technology being what it is, it will all come out eventually. When it does, it is only going to add more pie in our face.

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