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Guest FourAces

Back to Basics - So How Many Escorts?

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Guest FourAces

So we have just pushed into May. To date I have not hired a single escort this year. I have no desire to do so at the moment either. I have met a few guys through different avenues and am well satisfied.

How about you guys? How many escorts have you hired so far this year?

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zero for me too. I have a very cute and regular friend with benefits. I find random fun at dance clubs, especially in Montreal, and social media like facebook and grindr make meeting people much easier. that's not to say I wouldn't do it. if the right one shows up and advertises, I would be very ready to open my wallet.

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Guest CharliePS

Zero. I find that the more time I seem to spend on escort sites, the less hiring I do. Interesting correlation.

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I'm also finding a lot less quality available in my area as well. But as I said before Shaun Ross is the perfect companion and I have no need to look elsewhere anyway. He is not to be missed.

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Guest hitoallusa

I'm always to shy to answer this kind of question... I'm tempted to say zero and also I'm a virgin waiting for a special guy to heal my scars from bad guys...but in reality I hired one... ^_^

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