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Guest lurkerspeaks

$100 for a carryon bag?

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Guest hitoallusa

Lol I meant "our" MsGuy.. And why should I have to worry about money while I have you on the side ^_^

Hito, not sure but it may cost a bit more than $100 to buy out MsGuy.

Remember his profession!


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Guest lurkerspeaks

Spirit Airlines strikes again...talk about bad PR... a military veteran who has terminal cancer had planned a trip from Florida to some city up north. His doctor told him that he could not fly in his condition. The man went to Spirit air, explaining his situation and asked for a refund for his ticket. He was told "NO".. even the CEO of the company got involved and likewise said "NO". In the competitive world of airlines, how can one survive with that kind of negative customer service. It goes WAY beyond being late, or losing luggage..

I say NO to Spirit Air..

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Guest hitoallusa

Well it's unfortunate... We need to get the economy going again... I'm not do sure how we can do that without reviving the housing market or something that can replace it.

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An insider just clued me in on why these fees and add ons are so beloved by the airlines=it is a tax dodge.

The airlines pay a 7% excise tax on ticket revenues. Anything they make by tacking on these fees is taxed as normal income. And just like Hollywood no airline has ever posted a true profit thanks to creative accounting. :whistle:

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Spirit Airlines strikes again...talk about bad PR... a military veteran who has terminal cancer had planned a trip from Florida to some city up north. His doctor told him that he could not fly in his condition. The man went to Spirit air, explaining his situation and asked for a refund for his ticket. He was told "NO".. even the CEO of the company got involved and likewise said "NO". In the competitive world of airlines, how can one survive with that kind of negative customer service. It goes WAY beyond being late, or losing luggage..

I say NO to Spirit Air..

It's even worse. He asked if the ticket could be transferred into his daughters name so she could come see him. They wouldn't even make that accommodation.

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Guest FourAces

The CEO apologized so I hope all is well. The power of the media is strong.

True especially these days with so many media avenues. People can make a difference with just a little effort and the wind at their backs.

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Dodging the excise tax is a benefit to the customer not the airline. The airline merely acts as a tax collector and it is a pass through. It is not a tax on profits.

An anomaly to this occurred a couple of years ago when Congress allowed the FET to expire for a couple of months. The airlines continued to "collect" this amount of money and considered it a temporary increase in the price of the ticket. They should have decreased the price of the ticket during the interval when the FET was not in force but they did not.

Apologizing because of negative publicity is the right result for the wrong reason.

Best regards,


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