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Guest FourAces

A Glass of Wine Please

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Guest FourAces

Now this is kind of silly but I am at a crossroad.

About 35 years ago all within a year I stopped, cold turkey, doing recrerational drugs, drinking and smoking cigarettes. To this very day, by choice, I have not craved or touched either of the three. Wish I could do that with food :(

However, very recently I have had a desire to start drinking. Nothing hardcore maybe some wine. I feel I need to let loose a little bit. That I am not enjoying in general.

Does this even make sense? Is it even safe health-wise to begin drinking at such a old age?

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My personal opinion is that "some" personalities have better luck "stopping completely" any adverse activity. That includes my personality. When I quit smoking 28 years ago, it was one day smoking 30 cigarettes and the next day, zero and it has been zero ever since. However, that is not "easy" with doing less than before. IF you can drink one glass of wine (or two) a day and nothing more, I would think that is medically beneficial. However, much more than that is not. That is according to a LOT of experts, not me. :smile:

"Other" personalities might have to "struggle" with an alternative to 1-2 glasses of wine per day to "figure out" what works for them. I, likely am among those. I usually drink one beer per day + a couple more drinks of whiskey. To cut down from here will likely mean NO ALCOHOL at all, not a pleasant thought but reality, nonetheless.

Best regards,


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You didn't specify how much you were drinking before nor whether drinking was becoming problematic for you.

I suspect your answers to those questions would serve to illuminate the question of whether a few glasses of wine would be advisable.

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Guest FourAces

You didn't specify how much you were drinking before nor whether drinking was becoming problematic for you.

I suspect your answers to those questions would serve to illuminate the question of whether a few glasses of wine would be advisable.

oops I should have mentioned I was never a big drinker .. in fact i disliked beer and almost never drank it ... and maybe drank one or two drinks once or twice a week at most. Usually mixed drinks like rum and coke was a favorite back then as was wine.

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Until my eyes uncrossed this morning, I first read this to say .....while perusing the pontification forum... ^_^

Best regards,


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What is the Pope doing on here?!

Several of my friends are wont to pontificate but, so far, that does not include the Pope. :( or alternatively, ^_^

Best regards,


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There is plenty of data that alcohol in moderation, especially red wine are either not bad or actually good for you.

But it has to come down to you. Will the drinks lower your inhibitions and make you crave other things?

I almost always regret having anything to eat (after dinner) in the evenings, because even if it's healthy it gets me started and I tend to eat a lot more than I need to. So for my difficulties with food a glass of wine and a cigar can be a helpful distraction! But on the other hand a couple drinks can have me rooting through the fridge for snacks...

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Will the drinks lower your inhibitions and make you crave other things?

Just so. As you say: Food? Nicotine? Also: Other drugs? At-risk sex? Violence (to others or to self)?

...Has always seemed to me a stroke of psychological genius that somebody thought to lump together the particular vices overseen by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

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Now, if they could just figure out a way to tax sex, other than the "marriage tax", the venue would be complete. ^_^

Best regards,


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AS, one hopes this means you've given up playing footsie with the Cross meme. :console:


And no, Hito, there's no need to reassure me that some of the nicest people you know are Christians. Let's just agree that the meme is a paragon of shape-shifting versatility and let it go at that.

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Well, legalize sex work.

...But then, ah, rational social policy. Not always the strongest suit of our Shining City on a Hill.

Why not? Most of the states are not only trying to make it legal to carry fire arms but almost make it mandatory. It is my considered opinion that many folks now engage in sex and if sex work were to be made legal a new and vigorous source of revenue would ensue. OTOH, look at how they have handled tobacco. One doesn't know if they are trying to ban it or tax it to death. Similar would be dreadful for sex, don't you think?

Best regards,


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