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Guest FourAces

Etan Patz Case

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Guest FourAces

It would be so sad if the NYPD found the missing boy under the cement of the building they are currently searching ... since their own report shows the man renting the space was a known child molester and had poured fresh cement a few days after Etan had gone missing. However, I hope they do find the boy so the family can finally receive the closure they most certainly want.


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Guest CharliePS

I was living in Manhattan at the time that Etan went missing, and I remember the panic among parents. Incidents like this had always happened in NYC, but they had usually been small items in the back pages. This was the first time that a missing non-celebrity child became a major story. He was an incredibly cute kid, with those huge eyes, and his photo was everywhere. I think his parents still live in the same place, so this must be grueling as well as bringing some closure, if his remains are finally found.

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Guest FourAces

Not having any children I can only imagine the renlentless stress the parents have been going through all these years.

I'm guessing that the media probably unintentionally made him the poster child for missing children. Because he was a cute looking kid with as you say those big eyes the public took notice and finally that attention shed light on the case nationally.

Obviously the best outcome is if he was kidnapped and raised by someone else as their child and he is still alive somewhere ... like the boy in the west whose name was Steven. Or the boy in MO who was found alive after like 9 years living with a pedophile who stole him.

But if he is not I hope as I mentioned above and as you did that closure can finally be found.

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Isn't this the case that started all of the missing kids on milk carton campaigns?

It really would be sad if he has been under that cement all of these years. I wonder why the dogs were sniffing around there now anyway.

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Guest FourAces

Isn't this the case that started all of the missing kids on milk carton campaigns?

I believe he was one of the first if not the very first. It was because of him that Regan created the national center for Missing Children.

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Guest CharliePS

Yes, he was the first one to appear on a milk carton. His father was a professional photographer, which was why there were so many great photos of him, and his parents really pushed to publicize the case so he didn't just get lost in the back pages the way so many missing children did.

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Guest hitoallusa

Adam Smith, can your friends help me find my missing shoes?

Anyways, I hope they can figure out what happened to that adorable kid.

That was based on field work. But the FBI lab in Quantico, VA has yet to complete its investigations. I know some folks who work there; they are among the best forensic scientists anywhere. We'll see what, if anything, they find.

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