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Guest FourAces

Sexy Baseball Players

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Guest FourAces

I love the Texas Rangers :D They're a awesome team and we are gonna finally actually win the WS this year. But thats for another thread. I do enjoy relaxing every so often in front of a good baseball game, especially one with plenty of sexy players showing off their semi bulges :P

One of my all time favorites is Grady Sizemore! Who do you guys like?


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I like them all. Pro athletes are amazing, at least some of them are. ^_^

I almost can never tune into a sports program whether baseball, football or basketball without finding "someone" to watch and enjoy. ^_^

Best regards,


I also do not neglect NCAA sports, usually equally fun to watch. ^_^

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April has always been baseball time for me. I always enjoy going to open day of events in Baltimore and in New York. While I think that several of the players are very sexy, that is pretty much true for most professional athletes. Naturally, I prefer swimmers or the snowboarders, but I'll take a baseball player any day of the week. I don't think that I would kick any of them my bed. Well, some of them, but not many.

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