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Ellis Comes OUT on Smash

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In this weeks episode of Smash on NBC, we are led to believe that Ellis, the coniving assistant has Gay sex to further his career aspirations...

Were you surprised ? Do you think Ellis is Gay or just a schrewd Opportunist ?

I always figured him for gay. the scenes of him making out with his girlfriend are the most laughable on the show. So awkward and unbelievable.

Do you think Ellis will accomplish his "producing" goals, or get the boot ?

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I thought the same thing when they showed Ellis in bed with a girl. I thought that was completely laughable. I know they are trying to create a character that you love to hate but they really screwed up with that character. #fail

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Now, the black chorus boy who they are leading us to believe is Str8, but is REALLY gay and has the hots for the composer is a more believable scenario. Ellis is just a scumbag....

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Sorry, both of those guys were obviously gay the first time I saw them. I also found the scenes he had with the girlfriend horrendous to watch as I thought he was just using her. But, hey, at least he is an equal opportunity ho. I'd love to have a piece of him as he is right up my alley!

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Smash troublemaker Ellis (Jamie Capero) says that his character wooing Rebecca's manager doesn't mean he's gay.

"It wasn’t a romantic dinner; it was very specific and calculated. It’s not about, 'He’s confuuused.' He knows what he’s doing."

Well that may be, but still doesnt account for the fact that he is FLAMING !

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Guest lurkerspeaks

Oz, he texted Karen, telling her to go home, so she would not be there for the afternoon rehearal, thereby allowing Ivy (the Blonde) to fill in for her.

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i LOVED the last episode. The Bollywood number was a GAY wet dream, so inspired the way they incorporated ALL the main characters, even weasel Ellis stealing the pearls. And the song was catchy too....I can see some PoP star giving it a contemporary twist and it becoming a HIT.

The Baby Grand number was a show stopper, making me want to see this production on Broadway even MORE !

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First several times I saw this headline I read it as Ellen comes out as gay... and thought it was a little late for that...

So did I JKane. I don't know whether I need new glasses or a new brain.

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Guest hitoallusa

It's not something is wrong with your brain.. It's just your System I working... ^_^

From "Think Fast and Slow"

So did I JKane. I don't know whether I need new glasses or a new brain.

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Is Dev now more hated than Ellis after last night's episode?

Not only did Dev kiss another woman back home, he is now coming on to Ivy in the bar. . .



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Dev is a victim of circumstance. surely you can understand THAT ???

Yeah right! He's very selfish and unsupportive.

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The following is Perez Hiltons scathing review of Ms McPhee:


"The show’s most intractable problem, however, is the former “American Idol” winner Katherine McPhee, who plays Karen, that shiny-haired Iowan ingénue and human humblebrag. Even when I squint, and grade on a curve, it’s impossible to ignore how bad McPhee’s performance is: the woman was given a one-note character, then took it down a half-note. McPhee has a pretty pop voice, but she plays every scene with a Splenda-flavored neutrality, which might not rankle so much if the show didn’t keep insisting that Karen is a star whom everyone adores."


Hate-Watching “Smash”


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Katharine must have refused to be interviewed by Perez to get such s scathing review. That seems to be his pattern.

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