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Is Obama a Vulcan? or just a fan of Nichelle Nicols?

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The "Birthers" may have a new item for their arsenal over where President Barack Obama is from. This comes after pictures show the Commander-in-Chief flashing a sign to his Vulcan overlords.

Ok, maybe that's a bit of an overstatement. It looks like he's just a fan of "Star Trek."

Nichelle Nicols, who played Lt. Uhura on the original series, posted a photo on her Twitter page where she stands with Obama in the Oval Office signaling "Live long and prosper." The photo was taken Feb. 29 when Nichols visited the White House.

Following her visit, she says on Twitter, "Months ago Pres. Obama was quoted as saying that he'd had a crush on me when he was younger. I asked about that & he proudly confirmed it!" She adds, "President Obama also confirmed for me that he was defintely (sic) a Trekker! How wonderful is that?!"

What do you think Rush Limbaugh will have to say about this news?


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