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Guest hitoallusa

I made a right turn without checking today

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Guest hitoallusa

I was listening to NPR and it was about endocrine disrupters in plastics... I got into it so much I made a turn without thinking and a car almost hit me and changed the lane right away. If I die then I would die because of a traffic accident rather than chemicals in plastics. :(

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Guest Hoover42

I suspect there aren't many drivers who haven't had at least one close call with a serious accident.

Driving is one of the most dangerous things people do. :(

I'm glad no one got hurt.

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If I die then I would die because of a traffic accident rather than chemicals in plastics. :(

I thought you were into dying for a cause? In any case, why not put off the dying for a while? I would miss you.

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Guest hitoallusa

Thanks MsGuy! I will be careful.


quote name=MsGuy' timestamp='1332116085' post='55156]

I thought you were into dying for a cause? In any case, why not put off the dying for a while? I would miss you.

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Guest FourAces

You know some might say that posters around here are a endangered species ... so we need you to be very careful in the future please ^_^

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Guest hitoallusa

Lol yes sir!

You know some might say that posters around here are a endangered species ... so we need you to be very careful in the future please ^_^

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Guest hitoallusa

Oh my JKane glad that you are fine! I think we both had our final destination moments this weekend. ^_^

Watch where you are going! Are you the pickup or the Explorer driver who almost hit me Friday while I was on a walk?? :poke:

Glad you're OK, just a reminder we all need to pay more attention behind the wheel!

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I was listening to NPR and it was about endocrine disrupters in plastics... I got into it so much I made a turn without thinking and a car almost hit me and changed the lane right away.

You'd think they'd have the good sense to keep such incendiary programming out of drive-time hours. rolleyes.gif


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Guest hitoallusa

Oh Lookin the driver is cute! It was not agitating at all. It talked about BPA and other chemicals in plastics that we use everyday. I would be agitated if they say endocrine disrupters make people gay!

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Guest gcursor


Take care of yourself please. I would be very sad if the forum didn't have your happy presence to light up its dark corners and to help me light up my life too!


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Guest hitoallusa

Gcursor you are so sweet. I will be careful. We need to send our green alien baby to college and see him get married. You didn't tell me when the baby is due. We need to have a baby shower too. ^_^


Take care of yourself please. I would be very sad if the forum didn't have your happy presence to light up its dark corners and to help me light up my life too!


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