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UC freshman may have to declare sexual orientation?

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University of California Freshman students may have to declare sexual orientation to enter college? Huh?


Students opinions on the subject:

According to Robert Anderson, chair of the academic senate, the objective of the proposal is to promote diversity and to make sure that the colleges are equipped with the proper resources and support for their LGBT students. What do you think?

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Guest zipperzone

I think its pure crap :excl: :excl: :excl:

How could they know if you're telling the truth? Perhaps they will show you dirty pictures while attaching a meter to your peter :frantics:

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Many problems, but firstly, if it is really just to know how much they need to allocate in resources it can be asked the same way race is asked. Demographically, firewalled-off from decisions, with decline to state being an option. No problems for me there.

But the bigger problem here is how few understand the fucking Kinsey scale. Very few are 100% straight OR gay. Many haven't figured out where they fall yet. So if the questions were to be used for more--such as dorm residency, it would be very problematic.

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