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Another fucking christian-right hypocrite.

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Leviticus is a hoot, ain't it?

Another larf riot is Deuteronomy. E.g.:

He that is wounded in the stones or hath his privy member cut off shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord.

...and other such pleasant advisories.

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Guest hitoallusa

I think we need to see things in contex. It maybe silly to us but at that time, parasites and bacteria could spread easily. We can shower and clean our clothes everyday and sanitize our kitchen tables but back then water was not readily available and personal hygiene was not that great either. If it takes a lot of time to get a bucket of water then people could become lax about cleaning themselves. I think what the Bible describes was a way of keeping people and the community clean. If someone had an infection at that time it was better for one to stay away from other people. I don't find the Bible silly at all if we can look at in context.

The US is forcing Democracy all around the world. I think Democracy is a great system but in the near future something better will emerge. Our descendants might complain how ineffecient and hypocrites we are too when they look back our society. I don't think criticsm is a bad thing as long as they appreciate that we have survived through difficult times to set up a better and ethical society for them. I hope our future generation can live in the society that they can achieve more.

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HIto makes a good point that all of the evangelists miss when trying to "force the exact words of the bible" on their flock. These stories that were written by men were designed to bring order to a society in chaos. There were reasons and agendas at the time for all of the stories. But to take them or "selectively" take them so literally today is moronic.

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I loved this atheist campaign against the ever encroachment of church into state...


But the 'right' ignored the point of it, stirred the pot that it was racist, and it was defaced after 24 hours. Wonder if they are taking donations...?

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