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Top 10 Lists

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I saw the recent top 10 list of where the sexiest men are and I thought it was complete and utter BS. So, I am thinking of doing a site that only has lists for gay men. What lists would be appropriate for a site like that? ^_^

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Guest FourAces

OZ Sounds like a very exciting idea for a site that could also generate some nice ad revenue.

Basically a Top 10 everything Gay type site is how I see it.

Here are a few topic ideas:

Gay Friendly hotels

Gay Owned Retail Businesses

Gay Dance Clubs

Gay Youth Services

Gay Health Resources

Gay Models

Gay Car Dealers

Gay Doctors

A fun but informative site I think would keep people coming back. In fact, you could also have Top 10 lists by city as well. Such as Top 10 youth resources Chicago Top 10 youth resources NYC Top 10 youth resources Montreal and so on.

It would take time to research each list to make it as useful to visitors as possible but well worth it. Plus the lists can be updated keeping the site fresh and visitors coming back.

You can also set up a message center where people can comment on their Top 10 or make suggestions like a auto mechanic and so on.

OK I am rambling .. sorry

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Great guys! Thanks. Keep the ideas coming!

Tomcal, you are an expert in so many things, you can be contributing co editor and tester! The only problem I see if that you like so many that narrowing down to top 10 or 20 may be hard for you. Of course, your sample pool is larger than most. ^_^

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