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Who is your look-alike?

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Guest hitoallusa

Oz sexy!

Many of us are often told we look like a celeb or a famous person. I got it often when my look alike was alive. Not so much now. But, who do people tell you that you look like?

Me. My friends use to call me Uncle Buck for a reason. ^_^


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Guest hitoallusa

I dialed that number thousand times but it says it's not a valid number. You must be those hot guys at the bars who give out bad numbers. Sigh lol... ^_^



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Occasionally I used to get, "You look like David Bowie!"

But i stopped fishing for that when, in my early 30s, in a cafe in LA, the teenage waitress said, "You know, you remind me a little of David ... Cassidy!"

This was some considerable time into his long drug travails, and supposed recovery(ies), when his face had come to look like it had been put through a machine.

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Guest Hoover42

I don't think I look like anyone famous. Though someone once said I reminded them of Jody Foster...with a beard...and not as much hair. Sigh. Yes, I'm THAT ugly. ^_^

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