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I don't know where all the small-c conservatives have gone. Ron Paul is the closest thing and he sorta of goes too far, even for them.

It's that liberal media. They only show the wackado's. . .

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I don't know where all the small-c conservatives have gone. Ron Paul is the closest thing and he sorta of goes too far, even for them.

Hypothesis: Not long after the generation of Prescott Bush, the breeding population shrank below the level needed to sustain the species. ^_^

Dick Lugar must feel like one of the last dodos. Fed-up Olympia Snowe, ditto. When even Alan Simpson from the sidelines calls "Enough already..."

More serious answer would of course go into: toxic effects of Atwater et al. Personalizing political differences (no more Tip-and-Ron fighting by day, schmoozing by night), success of Repub appeal to opposite of their constituents' actual interests + politics of resentment; effects of 24x7 media spin cycle; etc., etc., etc.

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