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EU halts Google's new privacy policy

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Stop right there: EU halts Google's new privacy policy

The EU data protection authority calls for Google to halt the new policy's March implementation

by Fox Van Allen | Last updated 11:50AM EST on February 3, 2012

Google's intrusive new privacy policy has raised quite a few eyebrows here in the United States, but it's making even more waves in the EU. There, a joint regulatory commission of all 27 European nations has called for the web search giant to halt the implementation of its new privacy rules slated to go into effect March 1, 2012.

Data privacy in Europe is monitored by The Article 29 Working Party, a collective of government privacy authorities from the EU member nations. In a letter to Google yesterday, the group wrote, "we call for a pause in the interests of ensuring that there can be no misunderstanding about Google's commitments to information rights of their users and EU citizens, until we have completed our analysis." While Google is not legally bound to comply with the Article 29 request, they have respected the group's requests in the past.

The EU has been drafting new, more-stringent privacy rules over the past month. They require Google and other internet companies to ask for permission before they can save or sell your data. You can also request your data be permanently deleted.

See original article at:


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