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Siri Sucks...She's A Bad Data!

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"To make your wish her command, Siri floods your cell network with a stream of data; her responses require a similarly large flow in return. A study published this month by Arieso, an Atlanta firm that specializes in mobile networks, found that the Siri-equipped iPhone 4S uses twice as much data as does the plain old iPhone 4 and nearly three times as much as does the iPhone 3G. The new phone requires far more data than most other advanced smartphones, which are pretty data-intensive themselves, The Post has reported."

Read the whole story: Sad saga of Siri Sucking data

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This is one reason I love my grandfathered unlimited data plan with AT&T. But after an initial flurry of Siri use I have rarely used it other than setting up alarms and calendar events on my own system which doesn't really use any network data.

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The Big Bang Theory was hysterical tonight. Raj got a new iPhone 4S and discovered that he could talk to her. The entire show was based around his communicating with Siri. It was so funny.

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Guest FourAces

Interesting article. I am not sure how the statistics play out though. It seems to me that any 4th generation Smartphone uses more data than its original. Plus there has been research that shows iPhone 4s owners use less data then their Android peers. In fact, Android's voice recognition also travels the data highway.

But all that aside the concept of the opinion piece is correct. SIRI does use its fair share of data. And as we move forward we will need additional sources for data consumption.

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This is one reason I love my grandfathered unlimited data plan with AT&T. But after an initial flurry of Siri use I have rarely used it other than setting up alarms and calendar events on my own system which doesn't really use any network data.

Wish I knew how you managed that! I had ATT from before Cingular and was grandfathered into a great plan, but it patently wasn't a smartphone plan... they let me get away with it on my last couple crappy Win Mobile phones, but when I stepped up to the modern generation I had to pay $10 more a month for a 2GB plan! Grr! Went through Premiere and everything, still got screwed. Ah well.

A big thing for people to keep in mind with Siri (or stuff like Google Translate) is international roaming/data is *much* more expensive! And that's if you pay extra for international roaming. If you don't, prepare for a 4-figure phone bill next month!!

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