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Starbuck's to sell wine & beer in GA, CA and Illinois

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I think this is an interesting development that might cause all kinds of issues. I don't know about your part of the country but the drive thru lines at Starbuck's in California sometimes wrap around the block. Do you think they will offer beer or wine via the drive thru? I certainly hope not. I can't see why I would get wine or beer at a Starbuck's. It's a very strange addition to their menu if you ask me.

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Actually, it makes some sense if business drops off in the evenings. Much of their real-estate is expensive so I can understand why they'd want to expand the periods of profitability.

But who would want to go to Starbucks to drink? And what coffeehouse patrons want to deal with a bar atmosphere?

It's been predicted before, but perhaps Starbucks is one of those companies doomed for a big fall because they've lost sight of their core business.

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