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Digital Wallet on your Smartphone

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Digital wallets on your Smartphone


I think this is the way of the future and for some it's already here. I made my first bank check deposit from my home office using my iPhone. The bank app just had me take a picture of the front and back of the check and with the check 21 legislation the image is now accepted via a digital image. No more driving to the bank for check deposits. I don't have many of those anyway but I think that is nice progress.

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Specifically bought an android smartphone in the hopes of being in the forefront of NFC payment technology, turns out my phone may not even have the damn hardware!

The cell phone carriers are fucking up the market pretty bad, disabling Google's stuff in favor of their own proprietary bs (so they can collect whatever fees)--even when their stuff isn't even out yet.

Still, not sure how quick it can catch on, tap to pay credit has been around forever (Mobil had the pumps what, 15+years ago?) and still at least 4/5 places I go don't have a reader for it...

I'm looking forward to my new credit union getting the check-deposit via photo technology up and running!

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