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News We're NOT Talking About Here

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Granted that the Golden Globes are of some interest - I remember when they were created by Pia Zadora's husband as an excuse to give her an award- there is other news, and even those away from the daily papers are noticing.

Steve Jobs was lionized after his death, but now apple is revealing ways in which it mistreated it's foreign workers. Yet their phones are so in demand, thousands lined up at the opening of the Beijing store, only to be turned away when it was announced that the store wouldn't open that day after all. Apparently they didn't have enough phones and were afraid of rioting, which they got anyway. The Chinese still love their apples.

4 Marines pissed on Taliban corpses, and not a word here? No indignation? No leering over the idea that 4 Marines had their dicks out in front of each other? No jokes about a pissing contest? On the other hand, the USS Abraham Lincoln is in Pattaya, with 6000 personnel on shore leave, and I didn't see a one in the gay bar district, not to mention having his dick out.

Oh, where have I gone wrong? There were 4 potential Posts here, and I only used up one!

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Say, did anyone here about that cruise ship sinking in Italy? Or didn't that merit a breaking news lead into the Golden Globes? The way I hear it, the ship is like totally destroyed and some people had to cancel their plans. Didn't it make the news in the states? It 's like, what I hear is that the captain was showboating and went off course. And the cruise was only 3 hours underway! Bummer. I'd ask for my money back.

My point, of course, is that there are 5 or so threads on the Golden Globes, but the news doesn't merit any discussion anymore. Would more news equal more threads, or is it all in your definition of news? I mean, people died, the country's reputation takes a hit, the Communists are rioting because they are not getting capitalist material goods, children are forced into slave labor so we can get them, and none of it is interesting enough to discuss here?

It's enough to make me go on vacation! BTW, I am not saying that the Golden Globes don't merit discussion. It's the lack of discussion on other subjects that makes me curious.

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What's there to say?

A ship ran aground. People died. I didn't know any of them like I don't know most of the people who die every day. The fact that these people died differently than all the other people who died that day is of only mild interest to me.

But then, I didn't watch the Golden Globes, don't know who won, and really don't care. I am sure it is petty of me, but I had my epiphany when Brokeback Mountain was snubbed by the academy. Why should I care what other people judge as the best? I care what I like.

Of course, I may end up watching youtube bits from the Golden Globes because I'm a Ricky Gervais fan. Funny atheists are my thing.

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That settles it, then! We need a Ricky Gervais thread! ^_^

Recently several members made well-intentioned statements about posting a bit more, but, instead, we get posts wondering where everyone is. For me, the subjects that engage me are not represented as much as I would like. One answer, of course, is to post them myself, but that's hardly engaging. Another answer is to study up on the topics that are represented, but then, if they interested me enough to study up, well, then I would be studied up. Ultimately the conclusion seems to be what others have chosen, and that is to post hwhen something interests me and otherwise find other areas to express my interests. Go with the flow, let the message center reach its natural level of interest, and then either be engaged or not. Not well-spoken? Hey, I just woke up.

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Nay, Brother Lucky, kneel not down to Ricky Gervais nor lay aside your pen of light. Put on the armour of Truth, that ye may stand steadfast against the crafty assaults of wickedness, against power, against the worldly rulers of the darkness of our times. :console:

Stand therefore and your loins girt about with verity, having on the breastplate of righteousness and, above all, take to you the shield of justice, wherewith ye may quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. B)


With all apologies to Paul and Eph. 6. :flowers:

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Guest FourAces

Maybe if you started a thread per topic you mentioned it would knock the 24 threads created by a nice informative respected but very aggressive poster (lately) down the page a few notches :P

Then we can have some discussion rather than a flood of mostly neglected threads :(

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